I’m in Heaven. I mean, I might as well be because I’m so freaking high in the air. Altitude sickness is awful. When Ashley and I got to Estes Park, CO yesterday we felt sort of drunk and queasy and dizzy and headache-y…ick. But we woke up this morning and felt awesome, so awesome that we ate a giant breakfast at Notchtop Bakery and Cafe. I had a French toast sandwich, which is every bit as amazing as it sounds. French toast with ham, eggs, and cheese squished between it, accompanied by a pile of potatoes. Perfect hiking meal.
I have to tell you, this place is magical. It’s doing a number on my brain. The landscape is so incredibly vast that I simply can’t take it all in. We headed to Rocky Mountain National Park after breakfast to do some hiking and we started with the basic trails. As we were driving into the park it dawned on us that there are not enough words in the English language to adequately describe in sheer beauty of a place like this. So I will tell you what we did and let these two dimensional pictures sort of speak for themselves. Please come here. If you have legs and eyes you need to come here to experience this place.
The first stop we made was at a meadow called Sheep Lakes where we looked out on a few ponds with grasses and wildflowers swaying in the breeze. We also met a fabulous volunteer named Darrell who was very knowledgeable and told us where to head. We then headed to the Alluvial Fan which was a waterfall that had broken through a dam in the 80s and flooded the valley.

My legs didn’t give out and I didn’t die, so I had some soccer dad take a pic.

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