Bailie Beach is my favorite “by the water” spot at home. I grew up down the road from this beach and have memories of fishing off the shore, climbing all the way to the end of the jetty, swimming out to the big rock, stepping on crabs (ew!), finding cash in the seaweed after storms, and taking lovely long walks. I’ve also seen some of the most breathtaking sunsets from this shoreline.
By day Bailie is your ordinary northeastern rocky beach.

By evening, it can transform into something magical. The sunset we saw last night was “meh” compared to some I’ve seen, but still very pretty. Like moths to a flame, the locals started showing up. A pair of ladies hurriedly walking to catch the fading light, cars pulling up to the guardrail in time to watch, teens running down from the old Boy Scout lodge to stand at the edge of the sand before the last light of day…

(All pics taken with my crummy little iPhone. No filters were applied because nature is just that pretty sometimes.)
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